pdascalos Photographer of things I like! 📍Southern California 📷 Sony Alpha Landscapes: @pdascalos_landscapes Personal account @pmdascalos Red-winged Blackbird in the reeds. #redwingedblac Tree Swallow on the move! #treeswallow #swallow # Still raining! This Red-tailed hawk is still laser Yes, another rainy day. I like it, I wonder if the Love a rainy day! Raven got a snack. #raven #comm Guess who are back at the Plateau! This morning th White-faced Ibis on a cold and dreary morn. #whit This morning on the Plateau it was rainy, windy an “Now you got me mad!” Said the Red-winged Blac This guy popped in for two seconds! Ruby-crowned One big happy family! Morning hike with the Califo Look into my eyes… you are getting sleepy. Well Walking the runway… This Burrowing Owl looking s Just another type of bird…. A Thunderbird!! Gre Morning on the Santa Rosa Plateau. Say’s Phoebe Always a good day when you share it with wildlife. Pyrrhuloxia – the desert dwelling cardinal. Bosq American Kestrel coming in with a snack. #kestrel Look out Coots! Northern Harrier cruising the pond The before and after, the howling and the parting Load More Follow on Instagram